Monday, April 29, 2013

Inspiration came into my mind

This came into my mind when the professor was talking about the "GLOBALIZATION" 
Secondly, BUSINESS 
A trade in between countries that will bring profit to the nations. 
But, why this idea "POP" out 
"WALMART" can be easily found in states and Europe
For, Asia it's only CHINA and KOREA 
Viewing from another perspective, i feel that this sort of business will benefit all of us. 
If Walmart can have the first ever branch in Malaysia
Store that operates 24 hours 
How would it be? 
It's only store that fully equip with the daily life materials
Although, Carefour or Giant also had the same concept but they were largely operating.
They consisted of too much store or stall and that suppose to belong as a mall. 
However, Walmart in Malaysia would not be the same as the others although they are selling the daily life materials.
Somehow, it would properly focusing on the American products so Malaysian could also be allow to access to USA product. 
It's just the matter of price that would be a little expensive 
So, if someone could bring this ideas into Malaysia market it properly would be a path for success. 

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