And, also first time visited.
It's really fun, enjoyed and excited.
And, also my first time for not having alcohol.
The genes inside my body was calling me to have it
But, i'm worried.
Worried that my sickness will turn bad or uncontrollable.
So, "NO"
First time seeing my friends drank.
Frankly speak, it's kinda embarrassed actually for losing control.
I am glad that i didn't did something embarrassed when the time i'm drunk.
Thanks GOD
First time I'm enjoyed
Enjoyed dancing and shaking with a little help of the alcohol.
I can barely feel that kinda of relieve that ... indescribable
First time met such a perfect guy, singer from Thais.
He's too prefect.
The most important thing was he's a gay!!!
That's really a waste
Why the world doesn't treat every fair and equal especially such a perfect guy.
For the first time i fall in love with such live band
Hope that for the next time i'm back to Malaysia there would be a chance for me to bring my college friends to enjoy.
Craziness, happiness and memories can't be trade by money
So, built it when i'm still young
Live without regret.
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