Sunday, December 8, 2013


好几年了,这种感觉和预感都快给忘了。 人与人之间的最间接的接触就是眼睛。对我来说是一件很奥妙的。👀 与眼睛也存在我们所谓的“磁场”,搞得我好紧张(有时候)。
近几年我都不用正面的眼神去看一个人,而“他的眼睛”终于成功的吸引我。每周我们只会碰两次面,而这两天我都会特别的期待,好像“他”の到来会牵动着我的心情。很多时候,我都在想是不是缘分安排の。与他同班一年,第一堂课就被安排与他一组而接二连三都是他。你说,这是缘分吗? 那时的我还没被他的眼睛吸引,但我却发现他长得挺好看,帅。 然后,这学期我们又同班了。这次与他同组的机会变少但就多了眼神交流。我很希望这不是我太命感或者想过而做的结论。很多时候,我们想の东西很一致,而且常常碰衣服的颜色。一次两次可以说是巧合,但多过三次就是缘分吧! 他的条件很好,不抽烟,不喝酒而且还会下厨,这の是好男生。可惜の是我们宗教理念不同,我就不明白为什么班上的中国妹子不喜欢和他们一组!话说回来这の却让我感到很奇怪,每次我们互相看对方时那种眼神,那种感觉很不一样。 与我对望其他の中东人眼神不一样,可以告诉我原因吗? 前几个月还是夏天の一个晚上,我去倒垃圾时隐约の听到他的声音在另外一栋楼那,那时の我没戴眼镜但我知道那里有人在聊天。那时候,我开始紧张,开心。若他是住我隔壁楼那也太有缘太巧了吧!你说呢? 过后,我开始回避与他眼神交流但还是很难避免。我不想越陷越深,对不实际の拥有任何的希望,也不想拥有那么的想象。

Sunday, December 1, 2013

When it comes to reality

I thought I could hold my strength with the bravery that god gave 
Unfortunate, I fail 
It will be a long December and 2013
We all loss the car legend, Paul Walker which really make my day down 
Throwback on every movie, condolence by the ff families 
Devastating news ever 
The tears just couldn't hold any longer in my eyes
Heartbreaking for the universal  and also for me
Suddenly, i felt that i lost someone important in my life and turn my life to be dark.
Looking forward the light sent by the God to show me the path
Now, i realized how important it is to be love and love everyone besides you.
"LOVE" is never late as you have it with you and telling peoples. 
"LOVE" is never a romantic but somehow a way to show you caring.
Nov 30 always a day to remember you, and your spirit will always live with us. 

The Loss

Nov 30 2013, black day of the month because we all loss him, Paul Walker.
Legend of the car race since 2001, playing the role of Brian O' Conner in Fast & Furious.
Yet, everything gonna to be different since then.
The moment i saw the news it was really a huge strike ever.
Only two celebrities that got me down.
Wong Ka Kui, Paul Wong dead on June 30 1993 and now we loss Paul Walker one the Nov 30 twenty years after Paul Wong.
A sudden strike and tragic news before the end of 2013.
I really wish that's just a sense of rumor 
Somehow, God just playing a trick with us.
All the fans of him got heartbroken once the news was confirmed.

I still can't believed it,
just like i'm still dreaming.
You know, how much it hurts although he's just my favor actor
I did cry the moment i hear about the news'
Barely lose of control of myself
The sadness can be only buried inside my heart 
Dec 13 will be his last movie left for all of his fans,
Paul Walker, rest in peace 
and I believed your work left for us will always remain as what it was.