Being Independence for 56 years
From Tunku Abdul Rahman to Najis
From years to years, nations suffered from the unfair treat from the government
And, the government did not work it out on the solutions but more corruption
They only well treated their own kinds just like the Ministers
All those having a higher position would benefit from country
Using all the money from the nations
Having unfair and unequal treatment
Creating division among the nations
If you study historic, maybe you will said that Malaysia had the dirtiest election ever
In hundreds of countries, there's none of the country that would have such elections and Prime Minister
My everyday obligation was to read the news and watch the videos
From days to days, the anger was deeply lighten up
If there's a chance to twist "XXXXX" into two, i would probably do it
President Obama cares about the nations,
Najib cares about his money
Nations suffered from the increasing of the prices
Najib enjoyed from the profit
Whats' government and Minister is that?
Even though, you did not welfare the nations
We might not blame
But, if you were crossing the border and playing tricks
Fooling the nations
Controlling everything
This would only lighten up their anger
Besides, every nation has their right to vote who they want
Not using $$$ to buy the vote
Not using trick to eliminate the vote
That's unfair election and vote
Hope the GOD sees what you had did
Murdering two innocent peoples
Hope the GOD would punish you
And, free the nations from the dirty government
And, looking forward for the punishment that you will get after May 5 2013
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