Tuesday, May 27, 2014


以前的我常抱着很多的希望,因为常听人家说“有希望,就会有奇迹” “坚持信念,就有希望” 。
在我21岁那年,一个人离乡背井来到美国,和朋友分隔的时候 ,我才明白--希望 的意义。
以前的我常抱着这份希望,因为我深信这份希望会改写当时的状况。打比方说,与朋友约说这次要去那里那里,而最后一头空,但还深信下次一定会去。就是那份所谓的 “希望”, 所以梦想常破灭而脾气也就来了。
在国外的这两年,这份“希望” 开始不存在了。因为“希望” 不靠谱,而现在我想要的是当机立断,真实感 而不是一场虚幻,一个假设性的答案。听起来是有点偏激,但人生不就该这样吗?
因为我知道那份 “痛”  “失望” 的感觉,所以很多事情我都开始不抱希望。 这样的话,那份 “痛” 与 “失望” 就不会有。朋友说旅行,我先听着;与家人旅行,我先歇下,因为我知道到最后又是一场欢喜一场空,又何必呢? 

"Because I know how it feels, how pain it is and that is why i start giving up with hope"

Friday, May 16, 2014

My Spring

"If you can't have fun, there's no sense in doing it" by PAUL WALKER

Had been two years since the day i left Malaysia and began with my new life. Eventually, this semester i screwed up once again. I don't know why, and i also don't get it why. I would said "just not the year, 2014". Shameful of myself and also being afraid of my cgpa. Friends and time make the differences, I guess. I might be spending too much time on food, chilling and not being focus with my studies. I believed hard work paid off but sometimes, i'm just lazy with it and over self esteem.  The pain i had cannot be heal and tell, none of my friends understand how miserable it is. What i did was to figure out myself and try it once more. I thought of dropping Biotechnology but that seems to be a waste of money if i really do so. I'm half way of the track and quit in between that's really proved myself - useless. I believed, if i'm willing to change my way of study especially my gratitude and my consistency I will get a better grade. I knew this will be tougher road ever since the day i'm having double majors and Biotechnology isn't an easy job tho. It is a stressful job and willing to withstand all sort of pressure to obtain a higher achieve. I must find the way of interest on both majors so i won't be struggle throughout my entire degree.